Shake your sillies out with stories, songs, parachute play, and more. Winter session ends Mar. 6.
Meet up to discuss and respectfully critique works submitted by other members in the group. Open to both fiction and nonfiction writers.
Bring some knitting needles or a crochet hook, some yarn, and we'll have fun knitting.
Do you like to get lost in the world of a picture book? Do picture books take you to magical places? Then come to the library for a picture book, book club! Each month we read a book and do a craft!
Winter/ Spring Art Classes for Grades 3 – 5 with Alexis Starke
Winter/ Spring Art Classes are here! Join us for a challenging and creative series of art classes taught by Alexis Starke.
Attention all readers! We will be hosting an informal monthly book chat. Come to discuss what you've been reading: good, bad, or other. Or discuss books you've been wanting to read!
Please note the date change from 2/21 to 3/6