Summer is a good time for swimming, bubbles, and sunsets. Take a walk through the orange trail at Tallman State park to read Summer is Here by Renee Watson and find out what other fun things you can do during the summer!
Welcome to Summer Reading for Kids with this year's theme Adventure Begins at Your Library! Ms. Nancy will be offering drop-in craft time Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Grades K-5 Take and Make - Paper Plate Tambourines
Register today to reserve your Take and Make Paper Plate Tambourine. Kits will be placed in the lobby for pickup on July 17th. Your kit will be labeled with your first name and last initial.
Join Marybeth for stories, songs and puppets. Registration is limited.
Shake your sillies out with stories, songs, parachute play, and more. No storytime June 19 or July 10.
Weekly meeting of the Palisades Library Historic Committee. If you are interested in joining, please ask the library to put you in touch with Alice Gerard.
Come and join us in the DiFrancesca Playground at 600 Main St, Sparkill, NY for story time! Weather permitting!
Open play canasta
This craft uses napkins and mod podge to create a beautiful dish for your trinkets.
Join our weekly fun for Grades 3-5! Every Wednesday at 3:00pm we will have a fun craft or activity outdoors (weather permitting). You must register for each program separately!
Our Adult Book Club meets once a month to have a lively discussion about a new book. Members work together to pick a variety of books- usually fiction, but sometimes memoirs.
Bring some knitting needles or a crochet hook, some yarn, and we'll have fun knitting.
Join us for Dungeons & Dragons! Beginners welcome!
Drop in for a craft! Open to all Summer Reading Club participants.
Summer Art Classes for Grades 3 - 5 with Alexis Starke
Summer Art Classes are nearly here! Join us for a fun and creative series of art classes taught by Alexis Starke. We will explore a range of different art materials and techniques within the theme of Summer Adventures.
Are you near retirement and have questions about social security? Join us to learn how does Social Security fit into a retirement income plan, when to start taking benefits, and how taxes factor in.
Fun, games, and relay races sponsored by the Mighty Five So. Orangetown Libraries! Bring a picnic for later--we'll supply drinks and ice cream. Held at Orangeburg Library, 20 S. Greenbush Rd, Orangeburg. [Rain date: Wed. July 18]